The EWC dashboard shows a screenshot with highlighted a button that has an accessibility issue.

Accessibility issues annotated on screenshots

Profile picture of Arjan Schouten, author of the post.
Arjan Schouten

Last updated:

Are you struggling with website accessibility issues but finding it hard to pinpoint exactly where they are? Well, I have some exciting news! EWC has a new feature that will make identifying accessibility issues even easier.

With this new feature, accessibility issues are now visible on screenshots of the website. This makes it much easier to see exactly where the issue is located and what needs to be fixed. It also provides a more visual representation of the issues, which can be especially helpful for those who are new to website accessibility.

So if you're struggling with website accessibility issues, give ExcellentWebCheck a try and see how our new feature can help you identify and fix those issues with ease.

Next update: Accessibility Scanner supports Mobile, Tablet, and DesktopPrevious update: Accessibility preview is launched!

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