Create an Excellent website

What is the Accessibility Tree?

What is the purpose of the Accessibility Tree and why is it important to check the Accessibility tree?

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Best practices for Mobile Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs are a way to navigate up in the hierarchy of the website. What is a good mobile breadcrumb navigation strategy?

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Accessibility Overlays on your website, do or don't?

Accessibility overlays are marketed as one-click solutions for accessibility compliance. How good are accessibility overlays?

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Mobile Usability report deprecated: Here Is What To Use Now

Google announced the retirement of Mobile Usability tools and reports. Explore alternative tools and learn how to prioritize mobile-friendliness.

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The Importance of Accessibility on SEO in 2023

SEO professionals aim to drive targeted traffic to websites through search engines and optimize the website to ensure conversions. What is the effect of Accessibility on SEO? Should you care as an SEO professional about Accessibility?

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What is Digital Accessibility And Why is it important?

Ever wondered how someone who is blind or deaf can use the internet? Is everyone able to use social media? A lot of websites on the internet are not fully accessible for these people which is why digital accessibility is important.

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10+ Tips on Website Accessibility for Web Developers

Are you a web developer striving to make your websites accessible to everyone? Accessibility is crucial to ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, can access and interact with your content. But where to start?

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Why Website Accessibility Matters for Businesses in 2023

In today's digital world, more and more products and services are exclusively accessible online, making website accessibility a fundamental requirement for businesses. In this blog post, we will discuss why website accessibility matters for businesses in 2023.

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How to fix click-events-have-key-events?

Elements that are clickable must have an associated key event. People who navigate a website only by keyboard should be able to trigger these elements as well.

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How to use aria-describedby the right way?

How to use aria-describedby correctly and how does it relate to other ARIA attributes?

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How To Fix "label-has-associated-control" error

A form <label> element must be associated with a control element. Add a htmlFor attribute on the <label> and an id attribute to the control element.

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What is HTTP 999 request denied response code?

HTTP status code 999 Request denied is an unofficial HTTP response code. Unauthenticated users will get an HTTP 999 Request denied error on Linkedin. What is the HTTP 999 response code and why is 4xx error not used instead?

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How to control the Site Name that shows up in Google?

In recent years, Google has added features that help users achieve their goals faster. If you search for a recipe, Google shows it immediately. Search for a how-to guide, Google has the answer.

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How To Fix A Broken Image Icon?

Broken image icons appear on a web page if an image is not found by a web browser. There are a couple of reasons why the image could not be shown.

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What is wlwmanifest.xml in Wordpress? Should you delete it?

Website owners often find the wlwmanifest.xml in the access logs. What is it and why do you see it so often in your access logs?

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How To Fix Nginx 404 Not Found Errors?

Nginx returns an HTTP 404 NOT FOUND error when it could not find the requested resource. How should you deal with Nginx 404 Not Found errors?

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A Complete Guide to Website Accessibility Requirements

Accessibility requirements state that a website must meet four accessibility principles. A website must be Perceivable, Operable, Understandable and Robust.

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How To Test A Localhost Website With Any Free Online SEO Tool?

Websites are in most cases, built on a local development machine, where the website is available on localhost.

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Nginx Best Practices Made Easy With H5BP Nginx Server Configs

Configuring nginx and applying all best practices can be cumbersome. Applying the best practices is made easy by the H5BP project.

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What Is Link Rot And How To Fix Broken Links?

Link rot is a process by which content is no longer available after some time, although there are still links on a website referring to that content.

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